What you read here…

What you read here, I ask that you leave here.

Links back to the site or quotes that are attributed to What It’s Like are okay–in fact, I’m flattered–thanks!

Outright stealing is a horse of a different color, and page hijacking is definitely not okay.

The material you find here is copyrighted. Let’s not get ugly about this, okay?

 Horse of a different color

8 responses to “What you read here…

  1. Cass,

    Has someone stolen your content? Same thing happened to me lately. There are a bunch of legal steps one can take, but that is a pain really.

    Should we be flattered? 🙂


  2. I would like to find the name of the illustrator who drew the picture of Marley and Scrooge that you have on your site. I have researched for hours to find it and am coming up blank. Can you help?

  3. ariel goettinger

    I would like to use one of your photos for a project of mine. Can I reach you in person?


  4. I’d like to use your photo of the Pacific Garbage Patch on my website. I’ll definitely give credit where credit is due, but I’d like to have your permission to do so!

  5. hey. i was wondering if you knew who owned the rights to the photo of the man canoeing through the garbage and if i could possibly use it for a presentation on the garbage patch at university?
    thanks for any help!

    • Hi– wish I could give you the info you seek, I can’t. This photo has made it all around the world and back many times, and shows up in a google search for images frequently. I don’t have the root owner; if that person ever contacted me or others who are using it, I’m sure we’d all be more than happy to include the info, but alas…. Sorry!

  6. Hey there!

    Your blog is really nice, I love the effords not unsing any CO2 producing mobility!
    I just started my own blog … its about the combination of environment and business and wanted to ask you, whether I might could use the image “greenfist” in one of my presentations?
    Thx for your help,

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